Senior in 12th grade
Personal Vision
Where I see myself in 20 years
In 20 years, I will be 37 years old. I would have already graduated from college and have moved on to working in a job, preferably a job that I enjoy working in, such as one revolving around computer science. I would also have moved out to a house by then, probably comfortably living in my home alone or with a partner and possibly children. In terms of lifestyle, I would like to have a healthy work-life balance, having good physical and mental health, having the time to practice my hobbies, and having good relationships with friends and family. This is my current vision of an ideal lifestyle for me. I picture myself as a happy woman with this lifestyle.

The goals that I have set for myself in order to achieve this lifestyle in the future are simple. I want to be able to finish college, find a job in the computer science field that I am happy with, and to move out to a place of my own so that I can have a place to myself. I also need to hone certain skills in order to get through these goals. I want to improve my time management skills and my communication skills. Time management is among many incredibly important skills that an adult needs in order to be successful, and those two are things I need to work on at the moment. I know these goals will not be easy to achieve, so I plan to stay determined and to work as hard as I can.